With each festive occasion comes the risk of a wardrobe malfunction. Nothing spoils a night out, or any festive occasion, more than your fashion betraying you. You can spare yourself a potential nightmare by planning ahead, by being prepared for any event. Here are some discreet fixes:
- To stop slippage - Double-sided tape can anchor a dipping neckline. Try Hollywood Fashion Tape ($7 for 36 strips; hollywoodfashiontape.com. The Strap-Mate, in clear, nude, white and black ($5-$8 lingerie solutions.com), hides bra straps.
- To stomp out shoe woes - Shine scuffs away with individually packaged La Fresh Shoe Shine wipes ($4.50 for six: lafreshgroup.com). Keep strappy shoes from slipping off with Shoo Sticks, adhesives that stick to skin or hose ($16 for 16; shoosticks.com). To reduce blister-raising rubbing, apply Band-Aid Activ-Flex Blister Block Stick ($7 at drugstores). If a strap or heel breaks, use Instant Krazy Glue Single-Use Tubes ($4.50 for four; krazyglue.com).
- To tame hair. Bring along DStat Static Relief Hair Spritz ($15; dstat online.com).
- To fight underarm sweat. Packed parties can get you overheated. Feeling the heat? Try Fashion Forms Disposable Dress Protectors ($7 for six pairs; lingerie solutions.com) stick inside sleeves to prevent underarm stains.
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