.18 Self love
by Angela Skeete Davis

Okay, so for the past few weeks I have been working on a piece and looking forward to putting it up. But the other day, I woke up in a totally different place and started to write. This whole thing is about my journey to a better me and I have hit a cornerstone, I think...
Let me tell you how it started. I got an ear infection. No big deal, right. I used to get them all the time. When I did they immobilized me. They were painful, uncomfortable, gave me headaches, affected my equilibrium, sent me to bed. So, to say the least, I was not happy to get another ear infection.
The other thing that was different …. I was alone. In the past, my daughter was with me. She would do reflexology on my feet, rub my back and bring me tea and toast. This time I had no one to do that for me. Now that is not to say that I have no one in my life who cares about me. I have friends and family who checked on me ….once I told them I was sick. No, what I am talking about is a partner (you know, someone I want to share my life with). It occurred to me that I had no one I could call and tell I was sick, no one who would actually make the effort to come over and check on me, no one who would call to see if I was okay.
At first, I was disappointed with this realization. I mean, now that my daughter is away at college, I should have a man in my life, right. Or at least the possibility. I don’t. Moreover, I am, now, in the minority, since most of my friends have a relationship going.
But the point of this is not to lament my lack of a man. Instead, it is to say this…. I woke up this morning, two and a half weeks later, still dealing with ear issues, but totally happy. I noticed that I have been waking up happy. Specifically, I got through the worst of my infection all by myself and I was/am okay. I took care of me. I made sure I was okay. I loved me. I looked after me. I learned that I can be sick and be by myself and be okay. If I never find the one I want to share my life with, I will be okay. I have me and we will do just fine together.
So, this week, spend time with you, appreciate you, be good to you. You are the only person you can never get away from. Make friends with you, learn to love you. Take yourself out to lunch and say thank you to you.
“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.”
by Angela Skeete Davis

Okay, so for the past few weeks I have been working on a piece and looking forward to putting it up. But the other day, I woke up in a totally different place and started to write. This whole thing is about my journey to a better me and I have hit a cornerstone, I think...
Let me tell you how it started. I got an ear infection. No big deal, right. I used to get them all the time. When I did they immobilized me. They were painful, uncomfortable, gave me headaches, affected my equilibrium, sent me to bed. So, to say the least, I was not happy to get another ear infection.
The other thing that was different …. I was alone. In the past, my daughter was with me. She would do reflexology on my feet, rub my back and bring me tea and toast. This time I had no one to do that for me. Now that is not to say that I have no one in my life who cares about me. I have friends and family who checked on me ….once I told them I was sick. No, what I am talking about is a partner (you know, someone I want to share my life with). It occurred to me that I had no one I could call and tell I was sick, no one who would actually make the effort to come over and check on me, no one who would call to see if I was okay.
At first, I was disappointed with this realization. I mean, now that my daughter is away at college, I should have a man in my life, right. Or at least the possibility. I don’t. Moreover, I am, now, in the minority, since most of my friends have a relationship going.
But the point of this is not to lament my lack of a man. Instead, it is to say this…. I woke up this morning, two and a half weeks later, still dealing with ear issues, but totally happy. I noticed that I have been waking up happy. Specifically, I got through the worst of my infection all by myself and I was/am okay. I took care of me. I made sure I was okay. I loved me. I looked after me. I learned that I can be sick and be by myself and be okay. If I never find the one I want to share my life with, I will be okay. I have me and we will do just fine together.
So, this week, spend time with you, appreciate you, be good to you. You are the only person you can never get away from. Make friends with you, learn to love you. Take yourself out to lunch and say thank you to you.
“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.”
Author Unknown
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