Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After Obama's Victory: One Man's Thoughts

By Tajiri Smith

I hope everyone wakes up to this knowing that this has been the best 24hrs. of my life. This historic moment has made me believe that anything is possible if you put your mind and your heart to it! Regardless of who you voted for I hope that each and every one of us will sit back and understand that this is history. We can sit back and tell our kids and grand kids of this election. I hope that regardless of your prior beliefs that we will open our hearts and our minds to those of all races, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences and realize that we are still all one people living in a country of great opportunity. What we all witnessed tonight was an amazing feat, and I hope that we all can take great satisfaction in knowing that we live in a country that allows that opportunity to all! Enjoy your day knowing that "Change is Here!"

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