Neonu's (Nay-oh-news) InSite is a lifestyle I-zine (Internet Magazine) people who love life. I share my thoughts, reviews, and recommendations on entertainment, relationships, spiritual growth, lifestyle tips, cultural and civic activities and anything else I think is interesting.
Your comments, suggestions, and questions are always welcome. Thank you for your support! nj@neonujewell.com
Special Thanks
NB for inspiring me to make this vision reality; All the Contributors (special shout out to DW, Jeff Louis, Angela Skeete Davis and Howard Westmoreland) for the consistent and invaluable contributions; Ophelia Smith for the love, support, contributions, and much appreciated technical editing; Special thanks to Nana, ADS, CJ, NL, TS, T$, CA & JB for the unconditional love and support of me in all things; and a very heartfelt thanks to all the Neonu's InSite frequent visitors!
Photogenic, yes. But is she single...?
I absolutely love this. I;ve been on a few times since receiving the email about the run you will complete in the near future. Keep up the G-R-E-A-T work and God's continued blessings. Peace sis, NH
I'm impressed with your outgoing personality and professionalism. I met you while taping the party at the 59th St. Harbor and you are a breath of fresh air in online media. Your contributions will become regular viewing for many in the coming years.
Good luck and you have the support of the Media151 production team.
Hi, Neonu ... Please take a few minutes to checkout www.thechicagolist.com. This internet project seems to have distinct simile' to your wonderful site. The webmaster's email address is jpjones@wowway.com. Please contact him directly ... I think you share much in common with this individual.
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