I choose to write my thoughts about Islam for several reasons. One, although it’s the world’s second largest religion, until recently I knew very little about it. Two, Islam has received so much attention in America in the last ten years, as a result of the events on September 11, 2011. Three, during my recent trip to Egypt I visited the Mosque of Mohammad Ali and I had my first formal education about Islam, and was completely surprised by what I discovered and how it affected me spiritually. I saw my soul.
The Basics
In that Mosque in Egypt I learned the the very basic fact that Islam is a religion, Muslims are people that follow the principles of Islam and Arab is a culture. It seems I should have known this, but I admit I had used the words interchangeably. Islam is the belief that there is one God called Allah and Muhammed is it’s Prophet. I love the etymology and meaning of the word Islam. Islam means “submission” or “surrender” and is derived from the root “slm”(1).
Practically, Islam is the belief that there is only Allah and that man should submit/surrender to it’s will and follow the word of Allah. The teachings of Islam, as revealed to Muhammad the Prophet (circa 570-632) as the word of Allah through the Angel Gabriel, are contained in the Qur'an.
The primary principles of Islam are the Six Articles of Faith. Generally they are the following:
- Belief there is only one Eternal, Infinite, Perfect, Supreme, Loving God, the Creator of All
- Belief in Angels
- Belief in Scriptures/Holy Books as the word of God revealed to messengers
- Belief in prophets/messengers of God from Adam to Muhammad
- Belief in a Day of Judgment and resurrection for all humans
- Belief in Al Qadar, Divine Predestination,(2) but that humans have free will.
In Egypt I first learned some detail about about the actual practices of a Muslim, which are the Five Pillars of Islam.
- Faith (Shahadah). Statement of Faith “There is no god, but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.”
- Prayer (Salah). Pray five times daily - dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night.
- Charity (Zakah). Give 2.5% of annual savings to charity or those in need.
- Fasting (Sawm). Fasting during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset.
- Pilgrimage (Hajj). Annual journey to Makkah, Saudi Arabia at least once in a lifetime, for Muslims who can afford it.
It’s Application to My Life
I have always known that the violent actions taken by individuals in the name of God are never representative of one who believes in and surrenders to God (no matter the name). I know that the wisdom teaching of Islam and the Qur’an are absolutely opposite to the violent actions taken by some humans who call themselves Muslims (followers of Islam). I have most of the same fundamental beliefs of Muslims. I too believe there is one God that is supreme to all, loving, all providing, perfect, all knowing, infinite, eternal, creator of All. I too believe that God does not favor one being over another. I agree that knowing truth is to know that there is only one God and God is the only power in life, and in what I call my life. I too thankfully surrender/submit to that power because it is infinitely and eternally all good. To me, the word Islam sums-up my call as a mystic, which is to know, submit and surrender to the reality of my oneness with God through my actions (mental and physical) and active spiritual practices.(3) A mystic is one who realizes and practices the truth of their Oneness with God. One who knows God is within and that every human, animal, vegetable, mineral is an individual expression of God. As a mystic I am conscious of the I Am that I Am, through me as me.
- to be in sound condition, well, without a blemish
- to be safe and sound, unharmed, unimpaired, intact, safe, secure, in peace
- to be unobjectionable, blameless, faultless, certain, established, clearly proven (fact)
- to be free (from defects, fault, imperfection, blemish or vice) [particularly, with the preposition 'min']
- to escape (from a danger)
The word has a much wider meaning than mere peace and also involves prosperity, good health, wholeness and completeness in every way.
(2) See (The belief in Divine Predestination includes belief in four things: 1) God knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen. 2) God has recorded all that has happened and all that will happen. 3) Whatever God wills to happen happens, and whatever He wills not to happen does not happen. 4) God is the Creator of everything.)