Monday, August 15, 2011

My Grandmother Died, I feel something...

My paternal grandmother made her transition yesterday (my stepfather's mother).  I know our spirits are eternal and only her human body has perished.  She is truly free, enveloped in peace, love, and wholeness.  Still I have been feeling something all day.  I can't put a name to it.  As I made travel plans and informed my employer and others who needed to know I'd be out of town, I felt something inside.  I have not cried, because I know the truth of her life.  It is not sadness.  She had her 95th birthday just last week.  It was a long-life with lots of love.  Yet I feel something.... 

My guess is I need to do some forgiveness work.  Forgiving myself and releasing that I could have been a better granddaughter - called more frequently, visited more frequently, sent more pictures, just been better.  I love my grandmother and appreciate all she did to support me and my siblings throughout our lives. I am thankful for the love and pride I know she always carried for me.  I am thankful for knowing her and I am thankful for the peace she is now.  So there it is, I feel forgiven and thankful.  I love you Grandma.  Talk to you later.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Koran by Heart: 5 Stars!

The HBO documentary "Koran by Heart" is excellent: 5 Stars!

The movie follows several students from different countries who participated in the annual contest in Cairo in which Muslim children recite the Koran. As inspiring and uplifting as watching the youth prepare and participate in the National Spelling Bee in the United States.

You get a glimpse of the background of each student's culture, education, and parental influence. Great film that should leave you both smiling and thinking. Great to watch with children.